Hier können Sie einen Nachbericht von Mag. Karin Schmid, kooptiertes Vorstandsmitglied der ÖGVH, über das ECH & IAVH Symposium im November in Sofia lesen: Sofia ECH IAVH Symposium Karin Schmid
Hier geht es zu den Links des Nachberichts:
Influence of Adjunctive classical homeopathy on Global health status and Subjective wellbeing in cancer patients – a Pragmatic randomized controlled trial – Michael Frass
Wound healing disorder in a horse, associated with antimicrobial resistant bacteria, resolved with a homeopathic remedy – a case report – Petra Weiermayer
Optional treatment with Homeopathy for children suffering from cancer – Erfried Pichler
Overview of homeopathy in India. Indian model of homeopathic health care. Evidence based homeopathic dermatology – Raj. K. Manchanda