Your Health Your Choice network has succeeded in securing some important concessions by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). You may remember that especially the low-quality, negative review of homeopathy had a dramatic impact on its credibility.
These concessions will promote transparency in the upcoming reviews of natural therapies:
– Studies deemed not to have been properly assessed in the 2014-15 review will now be eligible for re-assessment in the 2019-20 review
– The scope of eligible evidence has been broadened
– The NHMRC has now agreed to include an expert in homeopathy research to advise on the research protocol for the new homeopathy review (a major point of controversy in the previous 2015 review)
– The research protocols will now be pre-published on the open-access PROSPERO online database, which will prevent any midstream ‘tweaking’
– Studies published in languages other than English will now be eligible for inclusion – which is important since several therapies (such as Shiatsu) are mainly practiced and researched in non-English speaking countries.
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