Uns hat dieser Tage diese interessante Einladung erreicht, die wir Ihnen nicht vorenthalten wollen. Nicht nur, aber auch weil Dr. Petra Weiermayer, Präsidentin der ÖGVH, einen Vortrag halten wird. Aber lesen Sie selbst!
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International would like to invite you to our workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and its connection to livestock systems that will take place on the February 16 from 14:00-15:30 pm CET.
AMR, also called the ‘silent pandemic’, has been declared as one of the world’s top ten human health problems by significant international organizations such as the World Health Organization. Currently, it is currently responsible for 700.000 deaths every year. The low standards of animal welfare on intensive industrial livestock farms necessitate the usage of antibiotics in veterinary treatment and even preventative applications. Hence, following the One Health Approach, the health of animals, the environment, and humans are inextricably linked. We cannot solve a public health crisis by ignoring the harmful influence of the livestock sector.
In the spirit of interdisciplinary work, we highly encourage you to take part in this workshop, where we will explain what AMR is, how large-scale, industrial agriculture plays a crucial part in exacerbating the problem, but also how the Federation and biodynamic farming can provide solutions to avert AMR. Furthermore, we have the honour to be joined by Dr. Petra Weiermayer, a leading veterinary expert on homeopathy and evidence-based medicine. She will explain how homeopathic treatments in livestock can reduce the contribution of the agricultural sector on AMR as well as the importance of the so called ‘One Health Approach’.
In the attachment to this mail, you can peruse our recent publication on AMR and animal welfare, as well as the agenda for the training session.
If you are interested to join, please send a brief email to: assistant.eu@demeter.net. We will then provide you the access details for the meeting.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us should you have any questions or comments. If you would like to know more about the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International, you are welcome to visit our website: https://demeter.net/.